Commitment to Excellence
As a Cadence Futbol Club player, I understand that the difference between being ordinary and being extraordinary is a little extra effort. I understand that wanting to win on the day of the game is worth nothing unless I have the will to prepare to win before the day of the game so that I might be the best player and team member that I am capable of becoming.
I promise to do the following:
- I promise to arrange my schedule so that I can come to practice regularly and on time, and to participate in scheduled games and tournaments.
- I promise to work hard at practice to improve my soccer skills and my understanding of the game.
- I promise that, at practice, I will give the coaches my full attention. When the coaches are talking, I will stop talking, keep my ears open, and my eyes on the coaches. I will not distract others during the practice session.
- I promise to do whatever is asked of me on the soccer field, without complaining, for the good of the team.
- I promise always to encourage and never to criticize, my teammates.
- I promise always to hustle, and never to quit until the game is over.
- I promise to come to each game, on time, well rested, and with an attitude that says — “It may be difficult, but I believe that we can win.”
Cadence Futbol Club PLAYER
As a Cadence Futbol Club parent, I pledge my support for my child in meeting this commitment.
Cadence Futbol Club PARENT
Equipment Policy:
The following items should be kept in your equipment bag at all times:
- Alternate uniform
- Soccer ball
- Soccer shoes
- Shin guards
- Extra pair of socks
- Hair items
- Band-aids, tape, sunscreen, etc
Uniform Policy
Whenever a Cadence Futbol Club player is in uniform, he/she is representing the team and he/she should wear the uniform properly and with pride.
Home games wear White Jersey
Away games wear Red Jersey
- Jerseys will always be tucked into shorts whenever you are wearing the uniform (not just during the game). Black compression shorts/sliding pants are allowed.
- Uniform socks will be pulled up whenever you have them on. Shin guards must always be covered by socks.
- Arrive at games fully dressed, with shoes on and tied.
- Have your equipment bag with you at all practices and games. Put bags carefully in a row on the sidelines at all games. Keep bags in a proper team location at practice.
- Make sure cleats are clean before games.
- Leave your rings, watches, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, other jewelry, and hairpins at home or in your equipment bags.